In the late 13th century, traders from Genoa arrived and purchased the town from the ruling Golden Horde.
The trader had purchased his whisky in France, where no such measure existed, and so made his own certificate of authenticity.
The British traders had been purchasing small amounts of opium from India for trade since Ralph Fitch first visited in the mid-16th century.
During the reign of Mengu-Timur, the Genoese traders purchased Caffa from the Mongols.
The trader then purchased a short position in futures contracts for the Standard & Poor's 500 stock index, incorrectly concluding that it would solve the problem.
With sudden riches drawn from the sale of 400,000 barrels a day, Dubai's traders could purchase far more than they could consume.
The traders purchase new accounting books called 'Halkhata'.
In the 1850s, traders purchased the entire Saanich Peninsula from the Coast Salish people for 386 wool blankets.
Penang Hill residents, licensed traders and hawkers and workers can purchase monthly season pass at RM24.
When Greenberg called back, the trader had only purchased 25,000 shares.