When the waters rose, the traders found another route.
Some traders found it unusual that crude prices had flattened out shortly after the war with Iraq began.
The European traders found themselves in a situation where they could exploit the prevailing confusion to their own advantage.
Not surprisingly the traders found ways to discourage their managers from managing.
But when there was no more intervention later, the dollar rose and many traders who sold in the morning found themselves short dollars.
Details are given in the Tariff, where traders can find the specific classification for imports.
Around the end of the 18th century, the traders found a solution: Opium was the wonder drug that would solve the problem.
If the rise continues, traders and analysts could find it more difficult to argue that moderate economic growth will bring the index back down again.
New York dealers said the traders overseas found buyers willing to take the risk, but at a price.
Oil prices slipped further as traders found no reason to act because of war news.