The bond market's focus on oil prices the last few days was part of what one trader called "the indicator du jour syndrome."
Coincidentally, a ship coming from Egypt belonging to a Byzantine trader called Pachomius was washed ashore.
We're off to see his father, another trader called Halanat.
The traders sometimes called swagmen have battled against the plan and are keen to hold on to their pitches for as long as they can.
He was then approached by a trader called Madegammo who offered to take Houghton to Timbuktu for a fee.
There was a Jewish trader called Cohen, who had come by one of Strickland's pictures in a singular way.
They had contact with traders, called Comancheros, in nearby New Mexico.
A Dakota named Ixkatapay had shot an English trader called Pagonta by the Sioux.
An honest trader called Xavier who comes from his plantation on the coast to tell you all good news.
I am a trader called Hawk, and you're my nephew, learning the seas with me, called Arren; for we hail from Enlad.