Since fuels are traded worldwide, the trade prices are similar.
The brand produces more than a billion packets of noodles annually and is traded over 35 countries worldwide.
By weight, slightly more chili peppers are traded worldwide than peppercorns.
If you've traded worldwide, and, no disrespect to Senator Lugar, but he's been a Senator for 25 years and a Mayor before then, so I don't know when he was trading overseas.
Perhaps $6 trillion in equities are now traded worldwide.
Precious metals are traded in dollars worldwide, and a stronger dollar generally results in reduced demand for gold, silver and platinum, said Steve Chronowitz, an analyst in New York with Smith Barney, Harris Upham & Company.
The UK Trade Tariff is a three volume guide that is designed to give exporters (and importers) information needed to dispatch and acquire goods traded worldwide and the rates of duty payable.
These days, snazzy products are traded worldwide, almost regardless of geography; but for most things geography still matters.
Because petroleum is traded in dollars worldwide, the higher prices increased the demand for and value of the dollar, which in turn strengthened the stock market.
Many complete live sets are traded by music fans worldwide over the internet.