He was traded along with a 3rd round draft pick to the Lightning for Jeff Halpern.
After the 1999 season, he was traded to Collingwood, along with a draft pick, in return for Andrew Schauble.
He was traded along with the 53rd and 67th selection in 1999 AFL Draft.
All told, 1.8 million shares of Tambrands stock were traded yesterday, along with options on 439,500 shares.
The stone was possibly first taken to Meluḫḫa and then traded (along with carnelian) by ship up the Gulf.
New York, of course, was a major port in which slaves were traded along with products made with slave labor.
Figure was traded again in 1797, along with a blacksmith shop, to James Hawkins.
Heck call me when Price is traded, along with Scott "No Goal" Gomez.
This became the second time he had been traded along with Kunnert.