The rial is currently trading at about 1,450 to the dollar on the black market.
The mark traded at 1.4815 to the dollar in Europe, up from 1.4760 Tuesday.
The peso recovered slightly today to trade at 28 to the dollar, compared with 30 late Tuesday.
The crown traded today at 43.22 to the dollar compared with Friday's official setting of 38.82.
The Chinese currency has been trading at close to 8 yuan to the dollar.
It closed slightly lower against the German mark, after managing to trade at times above the key level of 1.70 marks to the dollar.
Around midday, the won traded at 1,505 to the dollar, compared with 1,836 late Wednesday.
On Friday, the peso was trading at 5.875 to the dollar.
Last February, the austral traded at 17 to the dollar.
The Israeli shekel is trading at 4.2 to the dollar, its strongest level in five years.