When trading overseas, your customers' working hours may differ from yours.
You could trade overseas in sterling - effectively transferring the foreign exchange risk to the business you're dealing with.
Bear in mind that exchange rates could have an effect on your business' competitiveness even if you don't trade overseas.
But he nonetheless expressed confidence that the new session would give American investors more information than they have now when they trade overseas.
If you're likely to be trading overseas, check that the name doesn't mean anything inappropriate in the relevant languages.
Merchants trading overseas had to cover the diplomatic and even military expenses which in later centuries would be met by their governments.
So if a business doesn't trade overseas, what does it get out of Europe?
This guide outlines the differences you need to take into account when starting to trade overseas.
Which payment terms to use is a key decision when starting to trade overseas.
The king established the first trading companies with sole rights to trade with lands overseas.