This trade outpost was established around 1813 by the North West Company, a British owned fur trading concern.
In the 12th and 13th centuries, Ladoga functioned as a trade outpost of the powerful Novgorod Republic.
At the most important portages (such as Gnezdovo) there were trade outposts inhabited by a mixture of Norse merchants and native population.
The city was a small trade outpost named Row.
During the first decade of the 10th century, a large trade outpost was formed on the Dnieper in Gnezdovo, near modern Smolensk.
This isn't some trade outpost.
Initially it was a commercial trade outpost for commerce extending both up the Vistula river and to cities north across the Baltic Sea.
Then had come the puppeteers with their trade outposts; any Kzin who attacked a puppeteer invariably found himself not harmed physically, but ruined financially.
Each of the four alien races also maintains trade outposts - however they may only engage in specific types of one-way trade:
Genoese merchants from the Ghisolfi family maintained a trade outpost there in the Middle Ages.