Baiynd took one class from Investools and began trading real money.
The rich will always be able to trade money for influence.
It's not a way to trade and make money.
You trade money for stuff, which is more fun and interesting than having a bunch of green paper in your wallet.
How could anyone be such a fool as to trade money for symbolism?
How often do we have to tell you we don't trade money for your daughters* lives?
"So the general perception among the American public is that you can trade money for prestige," he said.
Over two months, a network of 50 heavily guarded exchanges across the country will trade new money, 800 tons of it, for the old.
She added: "I never saw any women trading big money."
His career move to "Washington lawyer" has, in your view, transformed him to a man willing to trade money for influence.