Mitchell, the Jets' rookie tight end, traded verbal jabs with Redskins linebacker Wilber Marshall, one of the league's top trash talkers.
After the hearing, Mr. Sjoblom and Tancred V. Schiavoni, a lawyer working for the court-appointed receiver, traded verbal jabs as well.
Lemieux and Brian Skrudland got matching two-minute minors with 7:58 left in the game when they traded jabs in front of the Florida net.
After several years of diplomatic fencing, Japan and the United States traded harsher jabs today over American access to the Japanese construction market.
A Bellwether State' For weeks the insurers and trial lawyers have been trading jabs - and misleading claims, many say - in television, radio and newspaper advertisements.
After the blows had settled and both players escaped without injury, the two teams traded verbal jabs.
Since September, the airlines have been trading jabs in thousands of pages of legal filings with the Transportation Department.
International Japan and the U.S. traded harsher jabs over American access to the Japanese construction market.
The last round has the two finalists trading below-the-belt jabs before an amped-up crowd that sometimes includes the very mothers who are being eviscerated.
Magnum persistently tried to foil Higgins' efforts to impose an orderly regimen on Magnum's disordered lifestyle, as they traded verbal jabs and one-ups-manship games with each other.