"Being traded for the first time is always traumatic," Tom Grieve said.
However, he was traded for the third time in his career, this time to the Phillies.
But what would he have traded for the extra time?
It is to be traded for the first time on Friday.
After 56 games with the Avalanche during the 2000-01 season, where he had 13 points, Miller was traded for the second time in his career.
And in September, 1.8 billion shares in 45 companies will be free to trade for the first time.
But the Dow gained 19.93 points for the week, and during the session yesterday it traded above 2,600 for the first time.
Dye said he did not know how to react to being traded for the first time, especially at such a young age.
Earlier in the day, it traded above $19 a barrel for the first time in 14 months.
He was traded on July 19, 2005, for the second time in his career.