Derwent Capital Markets is known as an early pioneer in the use of social media sentiment analysis to trade financial derivatives.
It continues to trade currencies and derivatives.
The company began trading oil-related derivatives to hedge its jet-fuel purchases against fluctuations in the price of crude oil.
These were the first exchange traded financial derivatives.
Investors would be expected to trade unproven derivatives on a market created and supported by government.
The changes are taking place as trading stocks has become less profitable, while trading options, futures and derivatives is more attractive.
The money, used in tandem with a $500 million loan from the bank, would be used to trade derivatives and options.
It is a wonder to me that the managers of hedge funds and the people who trade derivatives can even sleep at night.
Being the first exchange that, in 1996, proposed exchange traded derivatives, particularly on an equity index, in India.
From 1993 to 1996, he traded derivatives for Credit Suisse Group.