Americans have bartered ever since the Pilgrims and Indians traded tools, guns and beads for corn and furs.
The expedition traded beads and trinkets for food and clothing for their winters in Coofor from the Tiguex pueblos at first.
Souvenirs, sometimes: stuff that doesn't mean anything to them, like us trading beads to the Indians.
They traded parrots, beads and earthen pots with the Arekuna who came from far off Roraima, receiving in exchange files, cutlasses and cloth.
"Is it fair," Rufisco asked, "to trade beads worth a few pennies for a fox skin worth as many guineas?"
In the morning we will trade beads for our reflections.
Embellishments include sequins, mirrors, trading beads, coins, glass marbles, charms, jewels, tiny bells, silken tassels and even calligraphy.
They traded firearms, ammunition, metal tools, beads, clothing, and accessories for hides and horses.
He traded calico, beads, knives, and stuff like that to the Indians, and buckskin and furs.
Before leaving the Tockwoghs, Smith traded blue beads, bells and hatchets for corn, pearls, meat, weapons and hides.