With that, the Yankees broke off the talks, leaving the Diamondbacks without an obvious place to trade Johnson.
There is no doubt that the Jets are continuing their aggressive efforts to trade Johnson.
They agree that the Jets should trade Johnson and think it is the wave of the future in football.
He reiterated that the Mariners had not decided whether they wanted to trade Johnson.
The Mets were rewarded for not trading Johnson when he surpassed most of his numbers from 1987.
Why would the Jets want to trade Johnson, who is one of the top five wide receivers in the game?
The Yankees' decision to trade Johnson was primarily based on his pre-season request to be traded after the death of his brother.
However, the Yankees seem intent on pursuing Clemens even if they cannot trade Johnson.
Should the Diamondbacks be allowed to trade Johnson if they want?
But the Jets once said they were not going to trade Johnson, either.