The centre section is high floor and contains the motors and traction equipment.
Each of these groups was further broken down into five product divisions: power generation, electronics, power distribution, traction equipment, and industrial equipment.
All the traction equipment is located below the cargo floor level.
During this time Kiepe had become a provider of electrical traction equipment for light rail vehicles.
Authentic traction equipment, including the genuine pre-war wagon, wooden seats, and stop platforms of the funicular are still used.
It was announced that the 456 fleet will retain its standard traction equipment when transferred to SWT.
It is being rebuilt as a pre-series unit with a new traction equipment .
Controlling the second tram cars from a first is possible even if the traction equipment of a first car is out of order.
Heat is generated from traction equipment and drag.
These electric motors are responsible for 40% of global electricity used to drive pumps, fans, compressors and other mechanical traction equipment.