Not until the late 1980's did Mattioli and his wife, Rose, have enough money to pour any back into track improvements.
This includes the cost of track improvements, construction of train stations, and of purchasing rail cars.
However, the project ran in to many problems including issues with the trains and the unsuccessful implementation of required track improvements.
It has not been determined where $200 million for track improvements will come from.
Amtrak paid for repairs and track improvements; the state built or restored stations along the line.
CN invested heavily in track improvements during the 1950s-1960s, but the narrow gauge operation could not compete with the flexibility of trucks.
During 1999 and 2000, California spent millions on onetime projects like buying new rail cars and track improvements.
Starting in January, 2002 Amtrak began track improvements to increase the allowed speed along this section of track.
Considerable money was expended in 1930-31 on track improvement and new rolling stock, and block signals should have been added.
That level of service, however, depends on the construction of an extensive - and as yet unfinanced - program of track improvements.