Tracking the ups and downs of the city's apartment market is much more imprecise than measuring the market for suburban single-family detached homes.
Subway ridership - which tends to track ups and downs in the city's general health - is strong.
The purchasing managers survey has tracked the ups and downs of the gross domestic product reasonably well, according to economists.
The saga of the building itself tracks the ups and downs in the fortunes of the Port Morris industrial zone.
According to Mr. Ghassan, sales of the Lebanese flag have closely tracked the ups and downs of Lebanese nationalism.
It'll now track the ups and downs of the economy more than in the past.
Now, using an electronic gauge (good ones cost around $100), and calibrating its accuracy with my physician's, I started to track my ups and downs.
And, not surprisingly, confidence often tracks consumer spending which often tracks the ups and downs in the economy.
Previous rallies tended to track ups and downs in American shares, but fund managers said Asia was quickly becoming a more autonomous region, built around China.
The free slide-talk will also track the ups and downs of the state's coyotes, fishers and many other mammals.