Another 400 jobs also hang in the balance at toy chain Hawkin's Bazaar, which went into administration on Friday.
It operates in 16 states and is the fourth-largest toy chain in the country.
He ended his employment there as president of Child World Inc., a retail toy chain.
Q. Some of the large toy chains are talking about jumping on the educational bandwagon.
The toy chain has announced plans to open more than 100 stores in Japan, starting with four next year.
The invasion of Manhattan by two huge toy chains is, to some, a mournful sign of the times.
So far, the toy chain has been unable to open any outlets there.
After this, the product generated a big media echo and sparked the interest of several large grocery and toy chains.
It was part of a spot they'd done the year before for a national toy chain to promote the company's generous return policy.
It is the second-largest toy chain in the country after Toys "R" Us.