Through this and other programs, Texas actually led the nation in reducing toxic releases in 1997, the most recent year for which figures have been reported.
In the 29 major toxic releases described by the report there were 815 injuries and only 5 deaths.
At a cost of nearly $10 million, it would include video surveillance, high-intensity lights and detectors to report a toxic release.
The model represents greenhouse gases, criteria air pollutants and toxic releases of over 12,500,000 businesses.
The report said that toxic industrial releases into the sound watershed declined by 83.5 percent between 1988 and 1998.
Based on such information, citizens can identify the vulnerable zones in which severe toxic releases could cause harm or death.
The agency called the data, the first national inventory of toxic releases into the environment, "startling and unacceptably high."
On Tuesday, a citizens' group accused the chemical industry of not moving fast enough to curb toxic releases.
Otherwise, they said, the overall level of toxic release would have fallen by 3 percent for 2002, the most recent year for which data is available.
She said none were under investigation for deliberately underreporting the amounts of toxic releases.