Carbon dioxide is the toxic byproduct of burning coal.
In particular, it is claimed to be a toxic byproduct generated due to improper or incomplete digestion.
Agent Orange, a chemical defoliant, contained a toxic byproduct, dioxin, that veterans have blamed for serious health problems.
These health issues, in addition to concerns about the toxic byproduct (ricin) from castor oil production, have encouraged the quest for alternative sources for hydroxy fatty acids.
Mercury, another toxic byproduct of incineration, causes damage to the nervous system.
Dioxins are a toxic byproduct of various industrial processes that are ingested in the fat of meats and dairy products.
Once tuned, scientists have learned how to remove the toxic byproduct of CTAB with non-cytotoxic polyethylene glycol (PEG).
By this logic, lactate was traditionally considered a toxic metabolic byproduct that could give rise to fatigue and muscle pain during times of anaerobic respiration.
The plaintiffs contend they suffered fatigue, headaches, joint pains, and other ills because of exposure to dioxin, a toxic byproduct of some herbicide and pesticide manufacturing.
Times Beach unwittingly became contaminated ten years ago, when trucks sprayed the town's unpaved streets with waste oil containing dioxin, an extremely toxic byproduct of a common herbicide.