"In the minds of many, small towns represent the best possible environment for well-being, harmony and creative, proactive living."
While that is less than 40 percent of the state, council officials feel they have made substantial progress because these towns represent the state's growth areas.
The town represents overwhelmingly the focus of political power in Zambia today.
Those towns represent the sweep of a state that is passionate about football.
The town of Trinidad represents the primary community in the immediate vicinity and supports approximately 400 year-round residents.
The town, with a small African-American population, represented a dynamic set of opposites.
Wolf approached the mayor of Roseto and told him that his town represented a medical mystery.
While the town represented the future, he felt ill-at-ease on the wide streets between the low buildings.
We found that our town represented the end of the rainbow of the American dream.
The town represents the industry that changed the mill industry in the Pacific Northwest.