To Chechens, the towers symbolize the close-knit clan traditions and the aversion to outside control that are considered hallmarks of their history.
Crest: The tower symbolizes a strong defense and military preparedness.
The tower symbolizes the rise up to the pinnacle of future fame.
The vertical tower symbolizes the heavens and more abstract conceptions of life derived from historic experience.
The tower symbolizes the eternal vigilance of the sultan against injustice.
The towers and the walls with their pinnacles and the closed gate symbolized the determination of the town to defend itself.
The wall and towers refer to the town's former formidable fortifications; the three towers symbolize the three former town gates.
The tower symbolizes to be an 18th century construction, providing water to the city from the Bega canal.
The light tower also symbolizes the international connections between Estonia and her allies.
The two towers symbolize the division in the basilica.