But it towered high above him, way beyond his reach.
They were still quite near the ship; she saw its green side towering high above them, and people looking at her from the deck.
Warren stared up at the framing, towering high above his head.
It was a mountain of gleaming metal that towered high above the children and their parents.
One of the first things to attract Phil's attention was a flag pole towering high above everything else in the city.
It simply was a great pillar of luminance towering high in the night.
The whole sea surged upwards into one great standing wave, towering high above him.
Built in three huge "stories," the Pharos towered almost four hundred feet high.
He met my eyes reluctantly, then turned, gazing up at the vast mountain peaks, towering high above us.
The noble fir trees towered high above the forest floor.