Tegid said, lifting a hand towards the darksome peaks.
They took a track across the moor towards the twin peaks of Buachaille, and then doubled back to the road again.
Gotrek nudged Felix in the ribs and pointed towards the peaks.
"Seven miles towards the twin peaks," said Sigarni.
He stared the other way, towards the distant peaks of Spain which, now that the sun had been shrouded by clouds, were darkly shadowed.
The two make their way up towards the peaks of the Idiots' Hills, hoping the slinkers won't be able to follow them into the rarefied atmosphere.
It is our custom, and the figures who sit in stone yonder" (and he pointed towards the three distant peaks) "must have their due.
The jeep left the town and began climbing towards the wooded peaks that marked the start of Thailand.
The Colorado Trail accesses even towards the northern peaks.
They came out of cover and stood in a group looking towards the peaks.