However, Sorel was not present to criticise this movement towards economic and cultural nationalism since he died in 1922.
The 20th century began with reactions against the naturalist movement, moving instead towards nationalism.
The organisation is also strongly opposed towards patriotism and nationalism.
Kandiyoti's early work focused on political economy and rural transformation, but then moved towards gender, nationalism and Islam.
The movement towards nationalism was experienced once again under decree 832.
There has been a huge swing towards cultural nationalism, a growing desire for self-determination, among most of my friends and neighbours in Scotland.
He suggests that, under the rubric of historicism, the end-goal of every society is to develop towards nationalism.
The Attack Party is politically oriented towards nationalism.
His passion towards nationalism was evident even from his early life.
In general, it can be said that the average producerist tends more towards nationalism and anti-globalization than does the typical member of the Radical Middle.