The survey findings are particularly striking because cigarette companies have directed much of their marketing toward members of minorities.
These labels were also a reference to a trend toward members living with their parents for longer periods than previous generations.
The trio ran down the hall toward the stage, toward members of the cast and crew.
Despite Larsen issuing a statement calling for respect toward military members of "various races and colors", the violence continued.
These shy day geckos are extremely aggressive toward other members of its species.
His programs, however, have shown a certain bias toward more imaginative members of the current European avant-garde.
"Altruism is practiced within your group, and often turned off toward members of other groups."
Khmer Rouge rule was especially harsh toward members of minority ethnic groups.
Mr. Busch then turned toward other members on the scene.
Some groups regard charity as being properly directed toward other members of their particular group.