Another reason is the current marketing thrust toward younger customers, whose eyes have grown up on a diet of imported cars and their black tires.
Now, Positivo makes a wider range of computers costing up to $2000 targeted toward higher-income customers.
Their website was also considered to be too focused toward existing customers and not new ones, which the task brief specified.
Old Wilstead always did it when behind the counter, for he had an eye toward customers.
Today, in business as in government, there is more emphasis on being quality conscious, flexible and oriented toward, yes, customers.
Perhaps the biggest difference, however is in the general attitude toward customers.
But the pendulum has swung a little too far away from the shareholders and toward customers.
Changing the image means changing our service, our attitude toward customers.
He has also warned employees against rude and uncooperative behavior toward customers.
Finally, the services are geared toward customers who pay with credit cards.