Now I'm looking toward computers and electrical engineering.
"Consumers are benefiting from this trend toward more powerful computers and less expensive software."
On a theoretical level, at least, the Britelite represents the first major step toward computers that can run software from a variety of operating systems.
The trend toward ever more powerful and inexpensive computers is, if anything, accelerating.
Now, he is looking to shift yet again, toward developing computers that control the heating and electrical systems in so-called "intelligent buildings."
But even Cray is now moving with the market toward massively parallel computers.
He and other economists call for reorienting the nation toward services, computers and sophisticated machinery.
But it also pointed to changes in the computer industry that have shifted industry growth toward work stations and personal computers based on microprocessors.
Increasingly, the industry is moving toward inexpensive personal computers and work stations that are linked by networks.
The travel industry is helping to push consumers toward computers and Internet services.