"Sort of like Christmas in Mahwah," said the tournament promoter, John Korff.
The tournament promoter, Jerry Diamond, said a glass container of yellow paint was flung onto the court from a back stairwell or an exit.
The tournament promoters would probably not be able to charge the same prices, and there would be less television ad time with the likelihood of smaller player pools.
That could be anytime now if one listens to the tournament promoters angling to make their venues the site of her debut.
Sheperd organized a petition to establish the title and garnered the support of tournament promoters to begin offering a separate forms division for female competitors.
"We always like to give young local players an opportunity to compete," said Gene Scott, the tournament promoter and former Davis Cup player.
He was voted Best tournament promoter by the USKA 4 years running.
Good luck on this mission of international mercy that must begin with a major attitudinal adjustment by tournament promoters and network panderers.
Barry Behrman is the tournament promoter of the Men's Division, and has been since its inception.
"But with all the publicity and expectations, any tournament promoter would be able to sell tickets for this situation."