He was created by founding editor Matt Firme, and modelled on a Bermudan tourist trinket.
The pilgrims dallied mostly around the stalls selling used paper books or tourist trinkets depicting items of local interest like the bantaca spire and the keep.
Old town is filled with small shops, which mostly hawk typical tourist trinkets.
Grabbing her pack of tourist trinkets, she scurried quickly into the nearest alley.
The interior arcades of the cloth hall continue to serve as shops selling crafts and tourist trinkets; but the commerce around the square has become much more serious.
Aisles are stuffed with an interesting mix of tropical fruits, fish, coffee beans and tourist trinkets.
Raised in an apartment over a woodworking shop on the outskirts of Gaza City, al-Rashid was no maker of tourist trinkets.
The national emblem of Mauritius, celebrated on the flag and every tourist trinket, is the dodo.
Worthless gewgaws and baubles and tourist trinkets.
In 2008 Mexico exported just $2 billion worth of goods to China while importing some $34 billion from her, including clothing, electronics and "tourist trinkets".