We just want to make a bit of noise and clutter so that the tourists will think we're making a movie.
In other words, don't make such a palaver about the end of colonial rule that tourists think you are closed for business.
If they get wind of that down south, the tourists will all think there's a conspiracy and stop coming.
Giffey knows what the tourists, the young students, are thinking.
"It's certainly not low country, but the trouble is that tourists think it is."
A few more blocks and 42d Street, which, he'd have heard, some tourists think is sometimes just plain threatening.
As in anywhere, tourists must always think "safety first."
"You know what today's tourists think about le gai Paris?"
Some tourists thought they would be allowed inside to climb it.
He didn't look around any more than a tourist would, and thought that maybe he'd made one tail.