Dumb tourists tend to pay whatever the shopkeeper says.
Many tourists tend to take part in the celebration of the saint's day, by visiting the church and the well-known fireworks display.
The Selenites smiled and greeted each other as they passed; the tourists tended to be more guarded and uncertain of themselves.
There are some great little picnic spots near there, and Pakistani tourists tend to pass through en route to the popular, quite beautiful mountain valleys beyond.
Travelers are also targets of pick-pockets who operate where tourists tend to gather.
These tourists tend to be more diverse than the permanent residents of Hastings; for example, there are many ethnic Chinese fishermen.
The tourists tend to leave an hour later and take their own sweet time.
But tourists tend to be separated from the local customers here.
The sea-grass beds surround the island but tourists tend not to explore them because, from the shore, they look a bit green and boring.
Although only one station from Central, backpackers and tourists tend to miss.