The bride went off satisfied and happy with her young fellow, when her appetite was finally gorged, and the tourists swarmed in again.
The fear of "Anschluss," or forced annexation, has spread as politicians, businessmen and tourists have swarmed over East Germany in the last two months, usurping its politics, buying up East German products and hunting for business opportunities.
While other tourists are swarming to a museum exhibition or a Romanesque church, I am scouring local food markets, farm stands, barnyard wine merchants and superstores.
The tourists have swarmed like locusts to Ambergris Caye and Caye Caulker, islands in northern Belize.
Diminishing tourists swarmed the floor.
It was summer and despite the uncharacteristic chill in the air, the tourists were swarming the beaches.
As tourists swarm through the gates, an endless loop of recorded prayer to the Virgin Mary plays on loudspeakers.
Though tourists swarm in Flores, serene Lake Petén-Itzá insulates San Andrés from their influence.
'There's absolutely no one there but tourists swarming all over the place.'
By day, tourists swarm to the famous landmarks: the Statue of Liberty, the Empire State Building, Bloomingdale's.