Although very few common European viper bites were reported, tourists and villagers often kill them on sight.
Tanzania has lifted a three-year ban on elephant hunting and will allow tourists to kill the magnificent animals, despite an international moratorium on the sale of elephant products.
Four tourists were among six people killed Wednesday when their sightseeing plane crashed in northwestern British Columbia, city authorities said Friday.
They also include 9 German tourists killed two months ago in an attack on their tour bus in central Cairo, and 18 Greek tourists who were killed in April 1996.
Five European tourists killed in attack in Ethiopia 4.
Foreign tourists killed in Ethiopia 5.
APRIL 9, 1995 Bus wrecked by suicide car bomb near Jewish settlement of Kfar Darom in Gaza; 7 Israeli soldiers and an American tourist killed, 34 wounded.
He ordered the man to bring a camera and some police tape to rope off the site so no silly tourists would kill themselves by looking at the damage.