This is not a common tourist excursion.
Sea traffic is less important today than it was in previous centuries; these days it is primarily used for tourist excursions.
The railway operated tourist excursions in addition to regular freight service.
The museum is also open to school-related outings and tourist excursions.
Reconstruction was stopped during the Napoleonic Wars, but in the mid-1830s the castle became an object of many tourist excursions.
You'll also need to know exactly how to get where you're going before embarking on any tourist excursions.
The city also is working on bringing the railroad back into center city for tourist excursions.
It was used for tourist excursions for the next forty years.
Even so, the overall increase in attacks has escalated the fight over the tourist excursions.
As a senior science officer, you are too valuable to this station to risk yourself on frivolous scientific tourist excursions.