A set of 24 of the singer's tour itineraries from 1979 to 1986 went for $933.
I think you will find his planned tour itinerary most enlightening.
His grave and saloon are on most tour itineraries of Skagway.
Recurring health and vocal problems led to numerous alterations to the tour itinerary.
You can expect to receive an e-mail or postal letter with the details of your tour itinerary no later than two weeks before your visit.
Despite a highly organized tour itinerary, traveling in Vietnam was not expected to be easy.
The musicians also won two seats on the board and the right to veto tour itineraries.
In the middle of "Amazing Grace," he detailed his recent tour itinerary.
Needless to say the tree was qucikly dropped from the tour itinerary.
The Vietnam they are interested in revisiting is not on any tour itinerary.