The tour departs October 11 for 15 days and costs £495.
The tour departs on Thursday, two to four times a month.
Tours depart every 15 to 20 minutes, subject to traffic conditions.
Tours depart three times daily; phone to reserve a place.
These start at 11h00 and the last tour during summer hours departs at 16h00.
The tour departs July 4, with the extras provided the day before.
Tours depart between 9am and 4.15pm daily (plus 5.15pm during summer).
Tours of the catacombs go for around an hour and usually only depart if there are more than two people.
A similar tour, a day shorter and $3,974 without air fare, departs April 19.
Tours lasting 45 minutes depart hourly from 10.15am to 4.15pm.