The Burj Khalifa Armani Residences Road Show toured Milan, London, Jeddah, Moscow and Delhi.
Michael Malara, 30, who just returned from serving as a guide for the American exhibit that toured Moscow, Kiev and Rostov, drew a comparison about how well-informed Russians and Americans are.
In 1900, Mascagni toured Moscow and St. Petersburg.
It might seem like the most commonplace of diplomatic missions: the vice president of China touring Moscow, London, Paris, Berlin and Madrid for handshakes with presidents, prime ministers and business titans.
After Big River closed in 1987, Richardson toured London, St. Petersburg, Moscow, and Japan in concerts and in singing roles.
Show toured London, Moscow and Warsaw.
Golden had a solo exhibition tour the former Soviet Union from 1976 to 1977, touring Moscow, Kiev, Leningrad & Odessa.
Upon touring Moscow and seeing a billboard of a girl sitting on the end of a dock (similar to a scene Abby described earlier as her dream home), Jessie insists on talking to Abby in the hospital.
Furthering her versatility as a performer, Shalmali has performed as a soloist with a Latvian troupe in a Cabaret named Bombaloo which toured Moscow, Russia and Yerevan, Armenia.
Most recent solo exhibition, 'Tea Dance', has toured Paris, London, Rome, Amsterdam and Moscow.