The almost unceasing speculation of a rift culminated this week with reports that the couple were finding life together unbearable as they toured Korea.
He then toured Korea and Japan and went to Washington DC for the final competition.
It has toured Europe several times, as well as China, Korea, and Australia, performing before heads of state and producing more than a dozen recordings.
In the course of his career, he toured both Japan and Korea.
Later, they toured China, Korea, Europe and Norway.
He toured both Korea and Vietnam during wartime and once spent six months touring Korea, Japan, and the Philippines.
They continue to release albums at a prodigious rate, averaging one per year, and toured Korea in late 2004-early 2005.
Since then Cole has toured, extensively, Canada, the USA and more recently Korea.
In the 1990s he toured Japan and Korea with Francis Lai - a friend and admirer of Garrie's music over the years.
The band wrote all of songs on the CD while touring Japan, Korea and Guam.