Her first contract was on board the Radiance of the Seas where she toured Alaska, California, and South America.
That summer Ickes had toured Alaska and met with local officials to discuss improving the local economy and bolstering security in a territory viewed as vulnerable to Japanese attack.
Bearfoot, staying true to its roots, in 2009 toured Alaska twice with impressive turn-out-in June and again in November.
Recently, Evanswood has been touring Alaska as onboard entertainment for several cruise lines.
She toured Alaska and Hawaii, performing as a cellist in the chamber and symphony orchestras and electric bassist in the jazz ensemble.
She even toured Alaska and wrestled matches for the troops in the Middle East.
During the war, the heyday of women's bands, Ms. Gilbert toured Alaska with a U.S.O. show starring the actress Thelma White.
During this period, she also appeared in films, toured Alaska with a USO troupe, and began to be an advocate for women musicians.
Donovan is now under contract as a multilanguage soloist aboard a cruise liner touring the Mediterranean and Alaska.
One of the newest trends in touring Alaska is "cultural vacationing."