This mixture, called bile soap, can be applied to textiles a few hours before washing and is a traditional and rather effective method for removing various kinds of tough stains.
Later, in 1943, Procter & Gamble produced Tide, which could get out tougher stains due to the use of some very unique chemical ingredients.
Sometimes, for particularly tough stains like rust marks I might even use Sulphuric Acid.
It sews buttons on your shirt, catches big fish, takes out even the toughest stains and fits in your pocket.
They discussed everything from how to remove tough stains to the pros and cons of a career in law or choosing a husband.
Removing these tough stains is best left to an expert.
But this kitchen staple also fights tough stains, blemishes, and more.
Seventh Generation's kitchen cleaner uses hydrogen peroxide-a safe alternative to bleach-to cut grease and remove tough stains.
After washing - linens with tough stains are boiled in copper pots - items are stretched, air dried, then touched up with a hand iron if necessary.
Most ties are cleaned unopened, after tough stains have been prespotted.