He picked up a fig when the man did so and chewed its somewhat tough flesh slowly.
The tough flesh of the racht mixed perfectly with the sweetness of the coating.
The smell made Jareth's mouth water and he gnawed at the chewy, tough flesh.
Char rose to her knees, buried her claws in the tough flesh over Duke's heart.
The tough but flexible flesh lacks any odour or taste.
This fungus is edible, but the tough flesh and insubstantial fruit bodies make it unappetizing for most individuals.
He was tearing at the hard, tough flesh when Baxi settled by his side and placed an arm about his narrow shoulders.
It has firm, tough flesh, and a stipe which is shorter than the fruitbody is wide.
The muscle tissue which made up the sides was a tough dark red flesh, now badly lacerated.
The tharban leaped full upon its back, sinking talons and fangs deep into the tough flesh.