But that will not be the end of it, because the House vote in June for a tougher bill was less than a two-thirds majority.
Now, supporters of a tough bill say they will try to get their way either on the House floor or in conference committee.
But in any case, he added, it is impossible to push a tougher bill through Congress.
Now the Administration was going further, agreeing to work with Republicans - and, as it turned out, without the industry - on a tougher bill.
But so have most other Democrats who support a tougher bill.
The Governor signed several tough bills regarding mandatory prison terms for certain serious crimes.
The House had passed a tough bill focusing on border security alone.
There is considerable support for the kind of tough bill passed by House Republicans.
Administration officials and many economists say a tough bill could now prove foolhardy.
"This is a much tougher bill than anyone would have anticipated when we started this process."