The touchstone issue on which California Republicans solidly reflect voter sentiment is in their opposition to tax increases, a position they see as Ronald Reagan's legacy.
But it stopped short of suggesting that an ideological transformation was at hand, given respondents' views on what have emerged as touchstone Republican issues this year.
I don't know about 'crony capitalism' being a touchstone political issue but what you say about Murdoch and education is frightening.
Voters in New Mexico from old-line Hispanic families can share a cultural identification with newcomers, but have very different views on such touchstone issues.
He has indicated that he is doubtful that there will ever be a single European currency, which is the touchstone issue.
In Time magazine James Poniewozik called it "the political-cultural touchstone issue of 2006".
But he emphasizes that the touchstone issue was his opposition to the hydrogen bomb.
Like I say, it's a touchstone issue.
The one difference was over a common currency for the European Union, a touchstone issue for the party's Euroskeptics, who resist further integration into the bloc.
"What that means is as we begin to identify the spiritual needs of people in an area like this, we need to identify touchstone issues," he continued.