Some of Icelandair's aircraft are equipped with a free of charge AVOD in-flight entertainment system that includes seatback, touch-screen monitors for each passenger.
These systems incorporate software with powerful computers, advanced graphics, touch-screen monitors, laser-disk players, voice synthesis, satellite transmissions, local area networks and other whiz-bang technologies.
The Cash Card changed to a large touch-screen monitor; the co-host touched a suit, then hit a button to spin the "reels".
How do touch-screen monitors know where you're touching?
Most of the systems are similar and use a recorded voice and visual cues on a touch-screen monitor to guide shoppers through the process.
Where a player would normally put the sheet music, there is a touch-screen monitor, similar to a personal computer monitor, that can display full-color, full-motion images.
In fact, they will be required to do this because many of us don't have touch-screen monitors for our desktops.
Traditional, that is, except for Samsung's HomePAD, a flashy touch-screen monitor that rests right below the calligraphy paintings.
(An employee walks up some stairs and uses a large touch-screen monitor)
After the show, each screener answers questions on the touch-screen monitors.