He will touch millions and millions of children and open the door for global communication.
To touch millions in a socially acceptable way and get a bunch to raise their hands by emailing you or calling you to ask for more info.
A fellow New Democrat, he spoke highly of Layton who had touched millions of Canadians with his sudden death.
The gun control campaign conducted by James Brady, who was wounded in the 1981 Presidential assassination attempt, has touched millions of Americans.
President Clinton paid tribute to Mr. Denver yesterday, saying his "soaring music" touched millions and advanced understanding around the world.
This is just the beginning of an experience that will touch millions of people.
LEAD: A sculpture garden where visitors touch, climb and lie down on statues worth millions of dollars attracts people who rarely visit museums.
Organizations grow when they persuade a tiny cadre to be passionate, not when they touch millions with a mediocre message.
But nonetheless there is a widespread feeling that the inspiration Mr. Mandela provided has the potential to touch and uplift millions of lives.
This play touched millions of people.