Struggling in a job he's totally unqualified for, Kang Ho gets by with his enthusiasm and street smarts.
His son worked in the Rhodesian Broadcasting Corporation here, till an English lad, totally unqualified, came and was immediately employed above him.
"But surely she'll realise within moments that he's totally unqualified to do the job."
But he was 'bogus, a sham, an imposter' and was totally unqualified for his job as a senior house doctor, the prosecution claimed.
As for Sir Percy himself, he was universally voted to be totally unqualified for the onerous post he had taken upon himself.
I'm totally unqualified for that).
We should just do what we're told, because we're totally unqualified to understand or question their society.
And why you're begging Father to make a fool of himself by giving you commands for which you're totally unqualified.
And frankly, considering that you were totally unqualified for it, I find that amazing.
She publicly declared he was totally unqualified, and repeatedly said how much she hated Washington.