Why could the Mr Farley to whom I had been talking not realize the difference between two totally dissimilar letters?
"Why " Boss's head turned slowly as he looked from one of those totally dissimilar buildings to the next.
Many species appear totally dissimilar from each other.
The two situations are totally dissimilar.
The citizen is therefore a serviced nomad not totally dissimilar from today's executive cars.
While their clothes are totally dissimilar, the two men have more in common than the four-figure prices they charge.
According to McBride the musicologist reported that the songs were totally dissimilar, even a different meter.
Once you get past that, they're totally dissimilar.
In this he strongly resembles Flashman, although he is totally dissimilar in most other aspects.
And then, in a move not totally dissimilar to musical chairs, they all change places and grab a different bowl.