Black cannot be given a moment's rest, whether it's totally correct or a blushing bluff.
You are totally correct, and thanks for clarifying!
"She's probably in love with someone unsuitable," said Marius, utterly ignorant, but totally correct.
My actions are not totally correct, but aren't they less unethical than my company's policy?
Holden went in hard even though he was second to the ball but the ref was totally correct in his decision.
'Your information is soundly based, totally correct, and completely useless,' the parachutist told him.
In the light of what happened later, Belsambar was totally correct, though how he knew is beyond explanation.
Say "proved" to most people and they think things are totally correct and set in stone.
Totally correct, religion plays little part yet it's attributed as the main cause...
But to say this program is totally correct would be to assert something currently not known in number theory.