That's a compact but totally compatible version of the same VHS tape nearly everyone uses in their video recorders at home these days.
Yes, his conclusion was logical and totally compatible with the otherwise inexplicable fact of their disappearance.
This year, the transition team will have a complete computer operation that is totally compatible with the system in the White House.
"The state attorney generals have had a lot of experience with shield laws," he said, "and they realize they're totally compatible with law enforcement."
The CTC-16 digital train control system is totally compatible with the Digitrack 1600.
It is totally compatible with disequilibria in various markets for goods and services.
It only allows transfer of music files that are totally compatible with the player.
The key reasons before that is that they've actually put the across in the way that's not totally compatible with learning side.
He is totally compatible with what we do here.
Being Ubuntu-based, it is totally compatible with its repositories and packages.